Siemens Sponsored Lunch - How Your D-V Challenges Drive Our Innovation: Insights from the Top

  • Siemens Sponsored Lunch - How Your D-V Challenges Drive Our Innovation: Insights from the Top

    Companies in the semiconductor and systems industry are in a new, transformative design and verification cycle; driven by trends like the move from monolithic SoCs to chiplets, AI/ML and specialized accelerators, and end-product specific applications. There are very few markets that are immune to these transformational dynamics. And as the pace of change in design and verification continues to break current flows, the demands for new innovative tools, flows, and methodologies to support those changes increases exponentially. 

    In this discussion, Ron Wilson, industry veteran, invites the panelists to address the challenges of transformation in the design, verification, and validation landscape, and provide insight into what lies ahead in 2024. 

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      GM & VP Hardware Assisted Verification, Siemens EDA

    • Abhi Kolpekwar - Siemens EDA -- full portrait.jpg

      VP & General Manager, Digital Verification Technologies, Siemens EDA

    • Mo Movahed - Siemens EDA (1).png

      Vice President and General Manager for High-Level Synthesis and Verification, Low-Power Solutions, and FPGA Synthesis, Siemens EDA