Call for Panels

DVCon US is the premier conference on the application of languages, tools, and methodologies for the design and verification of electronic systems and integrated circuits. The focus of the conference is on the usage of specialized design and verification languages such as SystemVerilog, Verilog, VHDL, SystemC, PSL, and e, as well as general-purpose languages such as C and C++, PERL, Tcl, and Python. Tools and methodologies include the use of testbench automation, hardware-assisted verification, hardware/software co-verification, assertion-based and formal verification, transaction-level system design, high-level synthesis, low-power design and verification techniques, Functional Safety and Security, 3D chip designs, IP-based SoC design methods, reference flows, and AMS design.

Conference attendees are primarily designers of electronic systems, ASICs, and FPGAs, as well as those involved in the research, development, and application of Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools. Presentations are highly technical in nature and reflect real-life experiences in using these languages and tools.


  • ALL panel submissions must be made via email (
  • If you need to edit any author information or resubmit your abstract, it may be done up until the submission deadline.

Abstract Specifications

  • Summary of your submission (50-300 words). This is typically the introductory paragraph from your submission.
  • Input the Speaker(s) information including name, organization, email, etc.
  • Proposals should be 1-2 pages in length and should contain:
    • The topic, if possible formulated as a provocative question
    • The issue to be discussed, including a short listing of pro and con arguments
    • Short biographies of the moderator and prospective panelists
    • Any special requirements
  • File Format: Adobe PDF (.pdf)
  • Allowed File Size: 5.0MB

Speaker Policy

All speakers are expected to present in person.

If the presenter can’t present in person, the speaker is responsible for finding an alternative speaker that can present in person (should be a co-author).

  • If no co-authors can present in person and thus an alternative speaker can not be found, then it is up to the committee to determine if the presentation will remain in the program.
  • Pre-recorded videos will NOT be played onsite. The pre-recorded videos are for quality assurance purposes, for the Accellera archives, and/or in the case that DVCon U.S. moves virtual.
  • Pre-recorded videos are required for all authors. 
    Pre-recorded videos are optional for tutorial, workshop, and panel speakers.

Important Dates

  1. November 4, 2024
    Proposal Submission Deadline

  2. December 4, 2024
    Accept/Reject Notification Deadline

  3. January 6, 2025
    Final Panel Title, Abstract, and Panelist Names Due for Website